A student recently asked about books that I would recommend in advance of the course. For those interested, here are just a handful that I have read in the past two years that might be particularly useful for students as they take their first course on the Constitution:
Jeffrey Rosen, The Supreme Court: The Personalities and Rivalries That Defined America (an accessible overview of the Court's history by a current commentator)
Michael Klarman, Unfinished Business (a concise overview of the Court's decisions involving race)
Jack Rakove, Original Meanings (a fairly dense, academic, but definitive treatment of the Constitutional Convention)
Mark Tushnet, A Court Divided (a good overview of the Rehnquist Court)
Jeffrey Toobin, The Nine (a news reporter's take on the Supreme Court over the past 15 years)
I should note that none of this reading is required or expected. Just suggestions for those who might be interested.