Thursday, September 18, 2008

Next week's assignments

Here is the material I think, roughly, we will cover in Monday and Wednesday's classes of next week:

Monday (9/22): Section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment, the spending power, and the first half of the Tenth Amendment material (Garcia and at least part of New York v. United States). We will probably talk about Problem 5 only briefly.

Wednesday (9/24): The remainder of the Tenth Amendment material (finishing New York and Printz), Problem 6 (on the Drivers' Privacy Protection Act), and an introduction to executive authority and the separation of powers. We will defer Youngstown Steel until Monday, Sept. 29.

Also, you will notice that our first assignment schedule ends next week, so I will post a second one (for weeks 7 through 12 of the semester) on ClaraNet next Thursday. If you need to read ahead before then, you can reference the order of the material on the syllabus.
